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  • Writer's pictureopticallens018

Seeing Technology With New Eyes

It's always about vision

There's some irony inherent within visual processing. People often say that real innovation requires vision. But at the same time, one obviously needs that innovation to create new breakthroughs in computer aided visual processing. The joke being that one essentially needs vision in order to create a system which can process vision. The joke might seem like a playful jab at semantics or language. But it hints at something vital to technological development as a whole. Moving forward requires some level of insight as to what lays ahead. People aren't simply walking into a predetermined area of life. They're essentially looking at the present and building that road to the future. To do so they consider what they want technology to do. And they then consider why that hasn't been implemented yet. Often times there's a whole list of prerequisites that are nowhere close to completion. But every now and then one performs this sort of mental exercise only to find some remarkable answers.

One of the newest breakthroughs

If one were able to compare results it'd be clear that one item showed up far more than any other. It'd be a talented and reasonably priced custom optics/ Optical lens manufacturer. The reason might be more clear when considering human interaction. A huge amount depends on vision and actually looking at each other. Non-verbal communication is of immeasurable importance. And that's only one tiny part of how vision impacts the world. Now, to implement that in technology one needs two things. Powerful computers and powerful visual systems. The computer systems have been there for some time now. But it's only very recently that one could order a custom lens to match any given need. Or at least to do so with it staying in the range of inventors. But new production methods have brought that dream into reality. And it's clear that people are marking that item on their checklist and starting off on their new discoveries.

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